Privacy Policy

I. Overview

If we welcome you as a customer or business partner, please read from point III.

If you visit our website, please read from point II.

II. What data do we process if you visit our website?

Welcome to the websites and! Please get a picture of how we process your personal data when you visit our website (Art 13, Art 14 GDPR; section 165 (3) Austrian Telecommunication Act (“TKG”)).

When visiting our website, the following data may be processed:

  • browser type,
  • operating system,
  • country
  • date
  • time and duration of access
  • IP address and pages visited on our website including entry and exit pages,
  • e-mail address in the course of the newsletter-service.
The processing of this data is necessary to ensure the security of the operation of the website and to ensure the functionality of the website from a technical point of view. The collection of this data is partly carried out via technical cookies. These technical cookies are only used to the extent necessary (section 165 (3) TKG). The processing of this data is justified by our legitimate interest in operating our website (Art 6 para 1 lit f GDPR).
For the operation of our website, it may be necessary that we disclose your data to the following recipients:
  • Recipient of data: Alfahosting GmbH
    • Purpose: Hosting of the website
    • Legal reasoning: Legitimate interest pursuant Art 6 Abs 1 lit f GDPR
    • Location: Germany
    • Secure third party transfer: Within the EU
  • Recipient of data: HubSpot, Inc
    • Purpose: All-in-one-Plattform für Inbound-Marketing, Sales, CRM
    • Legal reasoning: Consensus pursuant Art 6 Abs 1 lit a GDPR
    • Location: US
    • Secure third party tranfer: Consensus pursuant Art 49 Abs 1 lit a GDPR
  • Recipient of data: Alphabet, Inc (Youtube and Google Analytics)
    • Purpose: Statistical pruposes
    • Legal reasoning: Consensus pursuant Art 6 Abs 1 lit a GDPR
    • Location: US
    • Secure third party tranfer: Consensus pursuant Art 49 Abs 1 lit a GDPR
II.1. Overview of the technical cookies

The above data is stored via so-called “cookies”. Cookies are text files that are stored on your terminal device (cell phone, computer) and enable an analysis of the use of the website. They are used for recognition and storage of temporary data of the website visitor. We generally only use cookies to the extent necessary to communicate with you via the website.

These technical cookies are activated as soon as you visit our website.

The following cookies are used in our website based on our legitimate interest (Art 6 para 1 lit f GDPR):

  • Name of cookie: CONSENT
    • Provider: Google
    • Time of storage: 2 years
    • Description: Used to determine whether the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie lock. This cookie is required for the necessary for the GDPR compliance of the website.
    • Location: US
  • Name of cookie: CONSENT
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: 2 years
    • Description: Used to determine whether the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie lock. This cookie is required for the necessary for the GDPR compliance of the website.
    • Location: US
II.2. Overview of the „advertising-Cookies“

In addition to the “technical cookies” described above, we also use so-called advertising cookies (including “statistical cookies”). These advertising cookies allow us to better track and evaluate your interests. With the help of the advertising cookies, we can merge your “surfing behavior” across the boundaries of our website with data from other websites. This is to enable us to better understand the interests of our homepage visitors and target them more effectively.

We respect that not every visitor of the website wants this. Therefore, we only process your data in the course of advertising cookies if you consent to this (Art 6 para 1 lit a GDPR). You can revoke this consent at any time, whereby the data processing that took place until the time of revocation remains justified.

Currently, the following advertising cookies are used:

  • Name of cookie: VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: 179 days
    • Description: Tries to estimate the users interest
    • Location: US
  • Name of cookie: YSC
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: Session
    • Description: Registers a unique ID to make statistical analyses possible
    • Location: US
  • Name of cookie: ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: Persistant
    • Description: Stores the user`s video player preferences
    • Location: US
  • Name of cookie: yt-remote-cast-available; yt-remote-cast-installed; yt-remote-connected-devices; yt-remote-session-app; yt-remote-session-name
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: Persistand and session
    • Description: Stores the user`s video player preferences
    • Location: US
  • Name of cookie: _ga
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: 6 months
    • Description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about it, revisit he uses the site.
    • Location: US
  • Name of cookie: _gat
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: 1 day
    • Description: Used by Google Analytics to limit the request rate.
    • Location: US
  • Name of cookie: _gid
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: 1 day
    • Description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about who uses the website again.
    • Location: US
  • Name of cookie: Collect
    • Provider: Google/Youtube
    • Time of storage: Session
    • Description: Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Captures the visitor across devices and branding channels.
    • Location: US
III. For what reasons do we process your data if you are a client or if we are in business relationship?

In the course of our business relationship with customers and business partners, we process data on the basis of contractual (processing of the contractual relationship with you, pre-contractual obligations, billing for services, dispatch of documents, communication for the processing of the contract) and legal obligations (legally required storage within the meaning of section 132 BAO; section 212 Austrian Business Code (“UGB”)); (Art 6 para 1 lit b and c GDPR) as well as on the basis of our legitimate interests or on the basis of legitimate interests of third parties (Art 6 para 1 lit f GDPR), namely:

  • For the purpose of internal administration and management of your business case to the extent required (e.g.: Processing your business case, forwarding your business case to various departments, filing, archiving purposes, correspondence with you);
  • in the course of a Due Diligence Audit;
  • for the purpose of direct advertising (e.g.: Mailing, e-mailing, satisfaction surveys, congratulatory letters, statistical analysis);

We would like to inform you explicitly that you can object to the processing of your data for the purpose of direct advertising.

  • assertion and defense of legal claims

in each case to the extent necessary. The processing of your data serves the initiation, maintenance and handling of our business relations. If you do not provide us with this data, we will unfortunately not be able to process your business case.

In addition, personal data may be transferred to our order processors (within the meaning of Art 4 number 8 GDPR). These processors are listed under point V.

If applicable, we process your data based on your voluntary, explicit consent (Art 6 para 1 lit a GDPR).

IV. How long do we store your data?

We will only store your data for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which we collected your data. In this context, statutory retention obligations must be taken into account (for example, for reasons of tax law, contracts and other documents from our contractual relationship must generally be retained for a period of seven years (§ 132 BAO)). In justified individual cases, such as for the assertion and defense of legal claims, we may also store your data for up to 30 years after termination of the business relationship.

We store data of interested parties for up to three years from the date of the last contact by the interested party.

V. Who might receives your data?

In the course of our business relationship, it may be necessary for us to transmit your data to the following recipients:

  • Recipient of data: Auditor and tax consultants
    • Purpose: Tax consulting and auditing
    • Legal reasoning: Contractual obligation (Art 6 Abs 1 lit b GDPR)
    • Location: Austria
    • Secure third party transfer: Within the EU
  • Recipient of data: Bank
    • Purpose: Payment-Provider
    • Legal reasoning: Contractual obligation (Art 6 Abs 1 lit b GDPR)
    • Location: Austria
    • Secure third party transfer: Within the EU
  • Recipient of data: Attorney at law
    • Purpose: Pursuit and defense of legal claims
    • Legal reasoning: Legitimate interest (Art 6 Abs 1 lit f GDPR)
    • Location: Austria
    • Secure third party transfer: Within the EU
  • Recipient of data: Investors
    • Purpose: Due Diligence
    • Legal reasoning: Legitimate interest (Art 6 Abs 1 lit f GDPR)
    • Location: Austria
    • Secure third party transfer: Within the EU
VI. Receiving of data from external sources (Art 14 GDPR)

In the course of a business relationship or the initiation thereof, it is naturally necessary to conduct research on the business partner. This is done exclusively to the extent required for this purpose. In this context, data may be retrieved and processed from the following sources:

Our company does not obtain personal data from external sources.

VII. Does automated decision making or profiling takes place (Art 13 para 2 lit f GDPR)?

No automated decision-making or profiling takes place in our company.

VIII. What rights do you have with regard to data processing?

We would like to inform you that, provided that the legal requirements are met, you have the right to request information about your personal data:

    • Have the right to request information about which of your data is processed by us (see in detail Art 15 GDPR).
    • You have the right to request the correction or completion of incorrect or incomplete data concerning you (see in detail Art. 16 DSGVO).
    • Have the right to have your data deleted (see in detail Art 17 GDPR).
    • Have the right to object to processing of your data that is necessary for the protection of our legitimate interests or those of a third party (see in detail Art 21 GDPR). This applies in particular with regard to the processing of your data for advertising purposes.
    • Have the right to receive the transfer of the data you have provided in a structured, common and machine-readable format.
If we process your data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time by e-mail. This does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing carried out up to this point (Art 7 (3) DSGVO).
IX. Do you have a right to complain?

If, contrary to expectations, there is a violation of your right to lawful processing of your data, please contact us by mail or e-mail. We will make every effort to process your concerns promptly. However, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority for data protection matters responsible for you.

The address of the Austrian data protection authority is:

Austrian Data Protection Authority
Barichgasse 40-42,
A-1030 Vienna

IX. Do you have a right to complain?

If you have any further questions about the processing of your data, please feel free to contact our data protection coordinator using the contact details below.

IX. Do you have a right to complain?

Controller pursuant to Art 4 number 7 GDPR:

atmoky GmbH
Stremayrgasse 16 / 4
8010 Graz